Community Announcements | 10/20/2017

Posted By on October 20, 2017

Street Closures – October 29, 2017

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Los Angeles Half Marathon will take place on Sunday October 29, 2017.

  • Although not adjacent to Evo, the event course will travel along Figueroa St. nearby. Figueroa St. will be closed from Pico Blvd. to the Coliseum.
  • Please plan extra travel time due to road closures.
  • More information available at event website:

Board Meeting Notice

The next Meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for Thursday October 26, 2017 at 8:00 PM in the 240 Lounge. The Board will meet in closed Executive Session beforehand at 6:00 PM.

All homeowners are welcome to attend!

Cigarette Safety

Multiple reports have been received of lit cigarette butts landing on patios, causing damage to furniture. This is extremely dangerous and a serious violation of Evo Rules, subject to possible fines.

Please dispose of all cigarette butts safely and never discard cigarette butts over the side of the building.

Community Design Workshop
for South Grand Park

Join your neighbors for the second Community Design Workshop for the new South Grand Park.

  • Share ideas and engage with the design team
  • Design team will be sharing feedback and presenting draft of concept design


South Grand Park

  • New planned public space
  • Scheduled to open in mid-2019
  • To be located on Grand Ave, between 11th St and 12th


Date:         Monday October 23, 2017

Time:        5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Location: First Draft

1230 S Olive St.

Los Angeles, CA 90015


Visit for more information and to RSVP.


1155 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2187
Grand Avenue & 12th Street
phone | (213) 741-2700
fax | (213) 741-2118

Management Team

General Manager
Luc Sasseville
email |

Assistant Manager
Francisco Rodriguez
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Building Chief Engineer                                          David Repreza
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1660
Los Angeles, CA 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303