Community Announcement | 10/3/2018

Posted By on October 3, 2018

Hot Water Shutoff Notice

Please be advised that hot water service to the entire community will be shut off on Thursday October 4, 2018 between the hours of 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM in order to drain the hot water storage tank and clean it. This process is part of vital maintenance needed in order to maximize the performance of the component and maximize its life span. Only hot water will be shut off; the cold water supply will function normally. The common area restrooms will also be affected and have cold water only. Please plan accordingly.

Hot water service will be restored as soon as the repair is complete.

Please feel free to contact Evo management team with any questions or concerns at 213-741-2700.

We apologize for the inconvenience this will and thank you for your patience.


Electrical Billing Update

A new sub-metering system capable to measuring electrical consumption in each unit has been installed. After a testing period over the past couple of months, the system is ready for use in billing. Beginning with the service period for September 2018 and going forward, Electrical billing is based on the actual measured electrical consumption of each unit, and no longer based on square footage. Due to the change, you may notice a change in the charge for your service. The charge for the month of September will be on your statement for the month of November. Please contact the management office if you have any questions.


Window Cleaning

Washing of all exterior windows and balcony glass at Evo is underway. This project will continue through Friday November 9th, 2018. Cleaning of all balcony glass and exterior panels (excluding the balcony floor) is available at no additional charge. In order to have your balcony glass and exterior panels cleaned, you must sign up. Please contact Xochitl Diaz at to register. The deadline to register is October 5th, 2018.

In addition to complimentary cleaning of balcony glass and metal surfaces, optional cleaning of your balcony floor is available for an additional fee. The attached service quote from Facility Masters details the fee for cleaning the different balcony sizes at Evo. Please contact the management office if you need help determining your balcony size. Please contact Eduardo Campillo at or 213-741-2703 if you wish to have your balcony floor cleaned. The deadline to sign up for this service is October 12th, 2018. The corresponding fee will be charged to your HOA account.

The fee for cleaning of balcony floor will depend on the size of the balcony. Please refer to the table below for pricing. If you are unsure of your balcony size, please contact the management office. You may also refer to the attached schedule for further details.


Balcony Floor Cleaning Cost
Cost Balcony Type Size
$180.00 Type A 6′ × 12′
$180.00 Type B 4′ × 18′
$180.00 Type C 4’8″ × 18′
$210.00 3rd floor Type 1 16’3″ × 26′
$180.00 3rd floor Type 2 4′ × 5′
$210.00 Unit 303 & 304 36′ × 20’7″
$270.00 6th floor Type 1 38’7″ × 52’11”
$270.00 6th floor Type 2 7′ × 36′
$300.00 Penthouse Type 1 16’4″ × 172′
$240.00 Penthouse Type 2 6′ × 172′
$180.00 Townhome 3’8″ × 22′

The schedule for balcony cleaning will be released once the signup process is complete.


Fire Drill

High Rise Safety Systems will conduct the Annual Fire Drill at Evo on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 6:00 PM. All locations and floors will be evacuated. Participation is mandatory!


Fire Life Safety Testing at the Aven

The Aven construction site at 1120 S Grand Ave (across the street) will be conducting fire life safety equipment testing this week, through Friday October 5, 2018. Hours are 4:00 PM until approximately midnight each night.

  • The team is performing as much of this work during regular work hours in order to be able to finish as early as possible each night.
  • You may hear alarms or see flashing strobes coming from the site during the testing.
  • Pre-testing will be conducted after hours this week. Final testing with LADBS and LAFD will take place during regular work hours at a later time to be determined.

Please do not hesitate to contact the site superintendent, Michael Zangara, with any questions you may have. He can be reached at 213-615-9853 or


Filming at barcito

Filming for the television series Good Trouble will take place at barcito on Thursday October 4, 2018, between the hours of 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The project will include filming an outdoor scene on the front patio and may entail intermittent traffic control. You may contact the site representative with any questions or concerns as follows:

Monica Chavez

Property Production Manager




1155 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2187
Grand Avenue & 12th Street
phone | (213) 741-2700
fax | (213) 741-2118

Management Team

General Manager
Luc Sasseville
email |

Assistant Manager
Francisco Rodriguez
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Building Chief Engineer                                          David Repreza
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1660
Los Angeles, CA 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303