Neighborhood Committee

Dear Evo Residents,

It was recently decided to create a consortium including LUMA, ELLEVEN, TEN 50 and EVO to review and represent resident’s interest on matters related to the neighborhood.  The LUMA, ELLEVEN TEN 50 and EVO Board of Directors have selected one representative to participate during the preliminary stages of this group’s formation.  Its goal is to advocate for residents and address all situations impacting the quality of life in the neighborhood, and may be expended to include other buildings and non-board member participants. In an effort to capture immediate concerns or ideas you may have about our neighborhood, we encourage all residents to email your input to our management team, which will share your input with the joint committee.   We will keep you posted on the group’s activities and ways in which you can participate as it evolves. 

During their first meeting earlier this month, the group discussed the hotel project located at 1130 S. Hope. If you are not familiar with the location, it is the empty lot located in the alley next to Evo’s private driveway.   The Evo Board of Directors, at its last meeting, voted to oppose the project based on current information that has been provided by the Developer. 

The consortium has communicated the numerous concerns about the project expressed by residents at a recent meeting with project representatives; a follow up meeting is scheduled next week to review the developer’s response to these concerns. While the joint committee has shared concerns previously expressed by residents to date, you are encourged to provide additional comments and concerns to management about the hotel project prior to the next meeting with the developer on December 21. 

You can also share your concerns directly with the City by emailing, writing or calling Ms. Yi Lu at the Los Angeles City Planning Department. Her contact information is below;

City Planning Associate
Los Angeles City Planning Department

(213) 978-1287
200 N. Spring St., Room 620
Los Angeles, CA 90012

As a reference, we have included examples of letters on the Evo HOA website from other residents.  You can access the letters with the link.  The proposed project will affect Elleven, Luma and Evo in several ways, including increased traffic and the shadow from the 11-story building (with rooftop amenities); we urge everyone to contact city officials as soon as possible.  You don’t have to send a long letter.  You can just communicate that the proposed development poses many questions that need to be answered before the approval process continues.  

Please let us know if you need additional information.

Thank you-

Evo Board of Directors


1155 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2187
Grand Avenue & 12th Street
phone | (213) 741-2700
fax | (213) 741-2118

Management Team

General Manager
Luc Sasseville
email |

Assistant Manager
Francisco Rodriguez
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Building Chief Engineer                                          David Repreza
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1660
Los Angeles, CA 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303