Community Updates | Week of 10/20/2018

Posted By on October 19, 2018

Greetings Evo Residents and Homeowners,

Please see updates below.


New Resident Portal

The Vivo Portal, which was available previously, is transitioning to the new Resident Portal. The Resident Portal can allow you to access vital information, update your records, view correspondence, and manage your homeowner account (unit owners only.) If you have not yet registered your account, you may do so by visiting and following the onscreen prompts. All residents may register and create an account. Homeowners, you will need to enter your account number for homeowner access, which will allow you to manage your account online and access homeowner documents. Contact the management office for assistance with your account number.


If you were previously registered on the Vivo Portal, you will need to “migrate” your account to the new Resident Portal. To accomplish this, just log in once to the new Resident Portal using your same email address and password from your Vivo Portal account and follow a few onscreen prompts. You will be asked to change your password.


If you encounter any difficulty, please contact the management office and we will be glad to assist you.


South Garage Gate Status Update

Since the replacement of the door operator this last summer, a part named limit assembly keeps failing. The installer has not been able to resolve this situation despite several attempts. It has now been decided to involve the manufacturer to fix or replace the operator and related parts. In the meantime, a patrol is monitoring the gate 24/7 and the installer/manufacturer is responsible for all incurred cost.


New Electrical Billing

The electrical charges for September billing period have been processed and posted to all accounts. As a reminder, all charges, beginning with this month going forward, are based on actual measured electrical consumption. Previously, electrical charges were determined based on your unit’s square footage only. Due to this change in billing method, you may notice a change in the amount of your electrical bill. Please call the management office if you have any questions regarding your bill.


Gas Testing at the Aven

The gas company will be purging the system of natural gas at the Aven construction site, across the street from Evo at 1120 S. Grand Ave., next week, Monday October 22 – Friday October 26, 2018. We have been informed that there may be a gas odor in the air, but this is typical for this process and there is no danger. Please consult the Aven’s community blog for further details:


Window Cleaning Update

Include: window update (locations per calendar, boom lift work, balcony update, balcony floor last call)

Window washing will continue until Friday, November 9th. Work hours are between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday.  Cleaning of balcony glass and metal surfaces is will take place from October 31 – November 8, 2018. The schedule of cleaning has been sent to all residents who signed up.


Optional Balcony Floor Cleaning is Available:

In addition, a new balcony floor cleaning service is still available! For a fee, Facility Masters will scrub your balcony floor. There is still time to request this service! The cost will depend on the size of the balcony. The fee will be billed to your HOA account. If you would like to register for cleaning of balcony floor, please contact Eduardo Campillo at or 213-741-2700.


Parking Garage Cleaning

Parking garage cleaning will take place October 29 – November 5, 2018. Work hours are 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM each day.

Please move your vehicle out of your parking space on the designated day so your parking space may be cleaned. The schedule of cleaning is below.


Date: Locations:
Mon October 29, 2018 Ground Level
Wed October 31, 2018 P1 Level, all areas
Fri November 2, 2018 P2 Level, all areas
Mon November 5, 2018 P3 Level, all areas


Maintenance Reminder HVAC System

A friendly reminder to make sure to perform required maintenance on your hvac system at recommended intervals. Failure to do so can result in system failure requiring expensive repairs, replacement, and failure of the system can also cause water leaks, damaging your unit as well as neighboring units and common areas. Be sure to:

  • Change the air filter in your hvac system at least twice per year. Evo staff can perform this service for a small fee. Contact the front desk to request it.
  • Have your unit inspected by a certified technician at least once per year in order to detect any problems
  • Keep the hvac unit clear of obstructions. Obstructions can create conditions that may damage the system.

This document contains further maintenance recommendations to ensure that your system continues to run as effectively as possible.



1155 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2187
Grand Avenue & 12th Street
phone | (213) 741-2700
fax | (213) 741-2118

Management Team

General Manager
Luc Sasseville
email |

Assistant Manager
Francisco Rodriguez
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Building Chief Engineer                                          David Repreza
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1660
Los Angeles, CA 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303