Evo – Motus EQ Program – Mid-term Launch

Posted By on June 17, 2024

Dear Evo Owners –

As you may remember, Evo HOA Board has made the Motus Earthquake Insurance Program available to you at the end of last year for 2024. Motus Insurance Services now offers the option to purchase coverage mid-year. This gives you the opportunity to OPT-IN to superior coverage for your unit (vs. the California Earthquake Authority and other condo options). Note that if you do not enroll, you will not have earthquake insurance coverage under the Motus opt-in program.

Select features include:

   Higher Limit: Motus offers up to $750,000 (or more, on request) of combined loss assessment and unit interior coverage (CEA’s Loss Assessment coverage is capped at $100k)

   Lower Cost: Motus is a fraction of the cost of CEA (on a premium per dollar of coverage basis)

   Coverage of Common Areas: Motus covers your share of damage to common areas…which CEA excludes

To sign up, please fill out and mail in the application included in the attached packet or call Motus at (833) MOTUS-IN / (833) 668-8746.

The deadline to sign up is July 1, 2024.

For more information on the Motus Program, including details of an upcoming informational webinar scheduled on June 26th, please review the attached information packet. If you have any questions, please contact Motus directly at (833) MOTUS-IN / (833) 668-8746 or info@motusins.com.


1155 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2187
Grand Avenue & 12th Street
phone | (213) 741-2700
fax | (213) 741-2118

Management Team

General Manager
Luc Sasseville
email | Lsasseville@actionlife.com

Assistant Manager
Francisco Rodriguez
email | frodriguez@actionlife.com
phone | (213) 741-2700

Building Chief Engineer                                          David Repreza
email | drepreza@actionlife.com
phone | (213) 741-2700

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1660
Los Angeles, CA 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303