Author: janekim

Kitchen Drain Line Cleaning Notice

Submit Your Ballot, Annual Meeting and Gate Update!

Submit Your Ballot & Oscars Viewing Party

Annual Garage Deep Cleaning

Submit Your Ballot Today!

Meet the Team!

Earthquake Insurance Survey

Link Updated: 1/5/23 The HOA Insurance Agent has provided 3 options; a Master Earthquake Policy, a Modular Earthquake Policy and coverage from California Earthquake Authority. Earlier in November, Brian...

Annual Emergency Systems Testing Schedule

Wine & Cheese Night

Window Washing Schedule


1155 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90015-2187
Grand Avenue & 12th Street
phone | (213) 741-2700
fax | (213) 741-2118

Management Team

General Manager
Luc Sasseville
email |

Assistant Manager
Francisco Rodriguez
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Building Chief Engineer                                          David Repreza
email |
phone | (213) 741-2700

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1660
Los Angeles, CA 90017
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303